Volume Filter Export To File

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Volume Filter Export To File

Postby logicgate » Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:24 pm

Hello dear friend Apprentice, I was developing this idea further in my head, this is what I would like to experiment with.

In order to use the COT Index formula, I need the NET volume info. I can get a surrogate of that using the cumulative delta indicator, but the detrended version right? The regular version keeps summing the data on a running total.

But, first we have to filter the volume using the Pascal Willain Effective volume. We wanna be using the Large Effective Volume (the large players) volume only.

So, here is what I am thinking. We feed the Large Effective Volume into the cumulative delta detrended so it will spit out the NET large volume for each bar. What I am interested in seeing is the NET large volume of the daily bars. Ok, then this data needed to be exported to an excel or .csv file with two columns: one with the date and other with the volume data, so we can do some historical analysis.

What I wanna do with that? I wanna replace the volume data in the EOD futures data with this one, because in the EOD data we have the Open Interest data. So I can divide the NET large volume by the Open Interest column to create the index.

I have no clue if it's gonna work, but I would like to test it...

thanks mate
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby Apprentice » Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:35 am

Can you provide a reference for the development team?
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby logicgate » Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:20 am

Apprentice wrote:Can you provide a reference for the development team?

Sure! What exactly do you mean by reference?
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby logicgate » Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:31 am

I mean, you coded the indis needed for this, Pascal Willain Effective Volume is here:

{- Filename: Effective Volume™ -}
Effective Volume™ is an indicator developed by Pascal Willain and published in the book "Value in Time" , Wiley 2008.
This indicator detects institutional activities by stastistically analysing price/volume movements on the minute level.
This analysis allows to show institutional players' activities out of the noise generated by retail players.
More information can be found on http://www.effectivevolume.eu
Effective Volume is a registered trademark.
Adaptation of Effective Volume™ to "Wall Street" has been provided by Paul Menzing.
Direction,NumBars,DayCount,iVolumeFilter,iPriceFilter,Dag : integer;
i,Counter,Counter1,Counter2,Loop : integer;
TotalDailyVolume,SPI,PriceFiter,Size : real;
PriceInflection,TotalDailyEV,SeperationNumber : real;
VolumeFilter,TotalEffVolume,xMidPoint,Temp,SeparationVolume : real;
PlotSEV,PlotLEV,LargeEffectiveVolume,SmallEffectiveVolume,TrueLow : TSeries;
TrueHigh,CloseAgo,EffectiveVolume,TotalEffectiveVolume,xDayCount : TSeries;
SessionEndTime,xSessionEndTime,StartDate : TdateTime;
ShowMD : Boolean;

aEffectiveVolume : array[1..1440]of Real;
aTmp : array[1..1440]of Real;


iVolumeFilter := CreateParameterInteger('VolumeFilter %', 1, 999,5, true);
iPriceFilter := CreateParameterInteger('PriceFilter %', 1, 999, 1, true);
SPI := CreateParameterReal('Smallest Price Increment', 0, 1, 0.01, false);
Size := CreateParameterReal('Size', 0, 1, 0.001, false);
Dag := CreateParameterInteger ('Total Days' , 1 , 2000 , 15 , true);
ShowMD := CreateParameterBoolean('Multiple days', true, false);

with Indicator do
ShortName := 'Effective Volume™';
RequiredBars := 2*390;

CloseAgo := Shiftseries(Close,1);
TrueLow := MinSeries(Low,CloseAgo);
TrueHigh := MaxSeries(High,CloseAgo);
xDayCount := CreateSeries(BarCount);
EffectiveVolume := CreateSeries(BarCount);
TotalEffectiveVolume := CreateSeries(BarCount);
LargeEffectiveVolume := CreateSeries(BarCount);
SmallEffectiveVolume := CreateSeries(BarCount);
PlotLEV := CreateSeries(BarCount);
PlotSEV := CreateSeries(BarCount);

if Dag <= 5 then Dag := 7 else Dag := Trunc((Dag/5) * 7);
StartDate := date - (Dag + 2);

DayCount := 0;

for i:=FirstValidIndex(close)+1 to barcount-1 do begin

xSessionEndTime := frac(datetime[i])+ 0.001;
SessionEndTime := Instrument.MarketClose;

if dateTime[i] >= (StartDate) then

if (DayCount = 0 ) then
NumBars := 0;
LargeEffectiveVolume[i] := 0;
SmallEffectiveVolume[i] := 0;
PlotLEV[i] := NAN;
PlotSEV[i] := NAN;

TotalDailyVolume := TotalDailyVolume + Volume[i];
PriceFiter := Abs(((Close[i] - Close[i-1])/Close[i-1])*100);

if (DayCount > 0) then
NumBars := NumBars + 1;
if Numbars = 1 then EffectiveVolume[i] := 0;

if (Numbars > 1) then begin
if (Close[i-1] - Close[i] <> 0) and ( (Volume[i] <= VolumeFilter) and (PriceFiter <= iPriceFilter))then

if close[i] > close[i-1] then
PriceInflection := close[i] - close[i-1];
Direction := 1;
if close[i] < close[i-1] then
PriceInflection := close[i-1] - close[i];
Direction := -1;

if (TrueHigh[i] - TrueLow[i] + SPI) <> 0 then EffectiveVolume[i] := Direction * ((PriceInflection + SPI)/(TrueHigh[i] - TrueLow[i] + SPI)) * Volume[i] else EffectiveVolume[i] := 0;
else EffectiveVolume[i] := 0;

TotalEffVolume := TotalEffVolume + EffectiveVolume[i];
aEffectiveVolume[NumBars] := EffectiveVolume[i];
aTmp[NumBars] := Abs(EffectiveVolume[i]);
TotalDailyEV := TotalDailyEV + aTmp[NumBars];
/////////////////////////////////End Of Day Calculation/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if xSessionEndTime >= SessionEndTime then begin
DayCount := DayCount + 1;
xMidPoint := TotalDailyEV * 0.5;

if (DayCount > 0) and (Numbars > 2) then

//Sorting Array High to Low
for Counter1 := 1 to Numbars-1 do
for Counter2 := Counter1 + 1 to Numbars do
if aTmp[Counter1] < aTmp[Counter2]then
Temp := atmp[Counter1];
aTmp[Counter1] := aTmp[Counter2];
aTmp[Counter2] := Temp;
end ;
end ;
end ;

Loop := 1;
SeperationNumber := TotalDailyEV;
while (loop <= NumBars) and (SeperationNumber >= xMidPoint)do
SeperationNumber := SeperationNumber - aTmp[Loop];
SeparationVolume := aTmp[Loop];
Loop := Loop + 1;

for Counter := Numbars - 1 downto 0 do

if abs(aEffectiveVolume[Numbars - Counter])>= SeparationVolume
then begin
LargeEffectiveVolume[i - Counter]:=LargeEffectiveVolume[i - Counter-1] + aEffectiveVolume[Numbars - Counter]*Size;
SmallEffectiveVolume[i - Counter]:=SmallEffectiveVolume[i - Counter-1]+ 0;
if abs(aEffectiveVolume[Numbars - Counter])< SeparationVolume then
SmallEffectiveVolume[i - Counter]:=SmallEffectiveVolume[i - Counter-1] + aEffectiveVolume[Numbars - Counter]*Size;
LargeEffectiveVolume[i - Counter]:=LargeEffectiveVolume[i - Counter-1]+ 0;
//Plot values starting with first minute
if (DayCount > 1) then begin
PlotLEV[i - Counter] := round(LargeEffectiveVolume[i - Counter]);
PlotSEV[i - Counter] := round(SmallEffectiveVolume[i - Counter]);

for Counter := 1 to Numbars do
aEffectiveVolume[Numbars] := 0;
aTmp[Numbars] := 0;

NumBars := 0;
VolumeFilter := TotalDailyVolume * (iVolumeFilter * 0.01);
TotalDailyEV := 0;
TotalDailyVolume := 0
TotalEffVolume := 0;
EffectiveVolume[i] := 0;
TotalEffectiveVolume[i]:= 0;
if not ShowMD then
LargeEffectiveVolume[i] := 0;
SmallEffectiveVolume[i] := 0;
end; //SessionEndTime
end; // StartDate
end; //for

with CreateLine(PlotLEV) do
Name := 'LEV';
Color := clBlue;
width := 4;
with CreateLine(PlotSEV) do
Name := 'SEV';
Color := clYellow;
width := 4;

You take the LEV (Large Effective Volume) output and input to Cumulative Delta Detrended:


So, If I am correct you gonna have the Large Players NET volume after this process. You just need to make then indicator then output this info to an excel or .csv file.


Pascal Willain Effective Volume (LEV output only) >>>> Cumulative Delta Detrended (which is not cumulative anymore)>>> Excel or .csv file
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby logicgate » Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:19 pm

If it does not work in this order, it could be the case of the detrended delta coming first, then:

Cumulative Delta Detrended (which is not cumulative anymore)>>> Pascal Willain Effective Volume (LEV output only)>>>>>Excel or .csv file
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby Apprentice » Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:49 am

Your request is added to the development list under Id Number 4483
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby Apprentice » Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:15 am

Something like this?
Volume Filter.mq4
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Re: Volume Filter Export To File

Postby logicgate » Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:48 pm

Sorry brother I can't test it as of now, I am travelling and won't be home at my trading computer in the next 2 weeks. :(
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