Excel VBA

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Excel VBA

Postby L-plate » Sat May 26, 2012 3:48 am

Hi guys, I've just moved to a 64 bit PC and order2go doesn't work anymore on this system. Is there anything I can do to get it to work for excel vba. thanks..
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Joined: Sat May 26, 2012 3:41 am

Re: Excel VBA

Postby Ekaterina » Tue May 29, 2012 4:52 am

Hi L-plate,

You know, Order2Go is Win32 native application and it remains native and 32 bit even if it is used from managed (.NET) application. Unfortunately, Microsoft's 64-bit .NET runtime cannot interoperate with 32-bit code. When the managed application is compiled for AnyCPU target, the 32-bit runtime is used on 32-bit systems and 64-bit runtime is used on 64-bit system. So, to make your application working, you must compile your application for x86 platform, so the 32-bit .NET runtime will be used even on 64-bit OS. To do that just specify /platform:x86 in your build script or specify x86 in the "target platform" build option of your project in IDE.

The Order2Go API is old API designed in the early beginning of 2003. Now the API is still supported but any further development is closed. The new ForexConnect API is being developed. And I would recommend you to move to ForexConnect API.

From our side we will help you with any problems related with your API changeover.

Best regards,

Re: Excel VBA

Postby Ekaterina » Wed May 30, 2012 6:01 am

Hi L-plate,

One more thing I want to clarify.

To get Excel vba start working with ForexConnect you need to download and istall
ForexConnect 1.1.3 and COM wrapper.
Please also check that you have 64-bit version of MS Office installed. If it is so, your Excel should work fine.

Note that when you use a 32-bit version of ForexConnect API and Forex Connect API COM on a 64-bit Windows system, you must use a 32-bit version of the VBScript host engine (%windir%\syswow64\cscript.exe) to run vbs samples.

If you use 64-bit version of MS Office, please use 64-bit version of ForexConnect API and ForexConnect API COM.

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