What Is Order2Go?

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What is Order2Go API?

Order2Go API is a high level programming interface for FXCM and many other broker trading servers. In common words the using Order2Go API your application can do everything that the Trading Station application can.

Connectivity and Compatibility

The Order2Go API allows you to connect to any real or demo connections, everywhere where the Trading Station can connect, using exactly the same connection parameters and exactly the same connection credentials.

The API can be used on Microsoft Windows XP SP1 or later operating system. The API is not designed to work under WinE or other Win32 simulators.


The Order2Go API is an Ole Automation library.

The API can be used in most of Win32 development environments.

The development environments which support the Ole Automation natively:

  • Visual Basic 6.0
  • Virtual Fox Pro
  • VB Script and JScript (as a part of Microsoft Script Host)
  • Delphi
  • Microsoft Visual C++(*), (**)
(*) In Microsoft Visual C++ there are two ways to use the API:
  • Create an ATL-based wrapper using #import directive of the compiler
  • Use Order2Go via dual COM interfaces using CoCreateInstance() and QueryInterface
(**) Please, distinguish Microsoft Visual C++ which is designed to develop native Win32 applications and Microsoft Managed C++ which is designed to develop managed CLR (.NET) applications.

The development environments which can interoperate with Ole Automation:

  • Microsoft Visual C#, Microsoft Visual Basic.NET, Microsoft Managed C++
  • Java (via Jacob library (http://danadler.com/jacob/) or Eclipse (org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation)).

If you don't see your development environment here, please google for your development environment and "Ole Automation support". The most probably that there are some solution.

Where to Get?


API Status

The Order2Go API is old API designed in the early beginning of 2003. Now the API is still supported but any further development is closed. The new Category:ForexConnect API is being developed.

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