New PIVOT indicator

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New PIVOT indicator

Postby Nikolay.Gekht » Sun May 23, 2010 10:05 pm

Note: This version of the indicator is included into the official release of Aug, 27 2010, so you don't need to download and install it anymore.

This is the prototype of the PIVOT indicator which will be included into the next release of the Marketscope:

New features:
1) Fibonacci pivot lines, Floor pivot lines and Fibonacci replacement lines on the base of the previous period High/Lows is added.
2) In "today" mode the lines are drawn to the end of the current period (e.g. day).
3) You can put labels on the end, on the beginning and on both sides of the lines.
4) Mid point lines can be shown.

In the next release (unfortunately I can't do it without updating the marketscope) it will also show the tooltips on the lines with the line name and numeric level.


(17.94 KiB) Downloaded 9390 times

(29.56 KiB) Downloaded 8557 times

Note: Because the indicator is made on the base of the standard indicator, you must also download rc (localized resources file) and put it in the same folder as pivot1.lua file before you installing the custom indicator into Marketscope. All new functions has only English resources, so, you will see English texts even if another language is chosen. The translation will be provided with the new release of the Marketscope.

We all appreciate treasured efforts of gg_frx user in defining requirements and in testing of this new version.
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby sabrumea » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:56 pm

hi Nikolay,

the indicator is great.. but could you help me with one question? is it possible to change the code in such a way that dayoffset would be different from that like it is in Marketscope.. they use London closing time. and what if i want another time? for example NY closing time or any other time at my discretion.. like is it possible to use function GetTradingDayOffsetUTC? honestly, i tried to change code myself.. but i can't figure out what's the format of parameter for GetTradingDayOffsetUTC function.. -(( is it possible to do this at all??

with kind regards,
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby Nikolay.Gekht » Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:53 am

It's no so simple as just a change of the "begin of the trading day". This version uses the server's day candles, which always are related to NY trading day. To do the thing you want you have to load 1-hour data and then calculate a day inside indicator (as the trading session hightlight indicator does). I can do such change, but a bit later, when we finish with most of accumulated requests.
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby sabrumea » Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:49 am

Thank you so much Nikolay for your quick respons.. really appreciate this! if you can do this change after you are done with all those accumulated requests (if it is not difficult for you),it would be just wonderful.. the thing is i have one strategy which is related with daily pivot point and so far proven to be profitable.. so this change could help to enhance the return.. i share it with you ;)

with truly kind regards,
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby DS0167 » Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:47 pm

Hello Rita,

Is there any possibility that you share your strategy with us ? ;)

Kind regards,
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby pawelas » Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:48 pm

good job
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby jstoutt162 » Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:15 pm

i was checking out this pivot point indicator. I must say i like it so far, but i was wondering if someone is developing a more advanced version that you can select a start time and end time for it to calculate ,and have it draw the pivot lines from lets say 12midnight to 12 noon or whatever time frame you select.
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby Nikolay.Gekht » Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:10 pm

Such version is in the dev. queue, so we will do it as soon as we have free resources.
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby gravboy » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:02 pm

This is a great indicator, I was wondering if you could make it work and set up for the UK sesions, as right now pivots are only avaiable for the set up of the US sesions, so updates would be 5 hrs earlier like the pivots in england. Remember the biggest traders of the FOREX are based out of Europe, and there pivots are more importiant then the American pivots. MEtatrader has such a code to swith pivots from US to UK time zones, which updates 5 hrs earlier, can you please do the same for FXCM.

Thanks :idea:
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Re: New PIVOT indicator

Postby gg_frx » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:36 am

there is one minor bug in the pivot official realese
Whit the new release of TSII on january i take a fresh install of the package, so i used the new pivot indicator but in historic mode lines are plotted in black and with black background they are not visible. With beta version of the indicator the lines are plotted with original colors.
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