Market structure break

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Market structure break

Postby EZB-Schmarotzer » Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:08 am


can you plz convert the following code from TRADINGVIEW into MQL4?
This would be really great!


// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © EmreKb

indicator("Market Structure Break & Order Block", "MSB-OB", overlay=true, max_lines_count=500, max_bars_back=4900, max_boxes_count=500)

settings = "Settings"
zigzag_len =, "ZigZag Length", group=settings)
show_zigzag = input.bool(true, "Show Zigzag", group=settings)
fib_factor = input.float(0.33, "Fib Factor for breakout confirmation", 0, 1, 0.01, group=settings)

text_size = input.string(size.tiny, "Text Size", [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge])

bu_ob_inline_color = "Bu-OB Colors"
be_ob_inline_color = "Be-OB Colors"
bu_bb_inline_color = "Bu-BB Colors"
be_bb_inline_color = "Be-BB Colors"

bu_ob_display_settings = "Bu-OB Display Settings"
bu_ob_color = input.color(, 70), "Color", group=bu_ob_display_settings, inline=bu_ob_inline_color)
bu_ob_border_color = input.color(, "Border Color", group=bu_ob_display_settings, inline=bu_ob_inline_color)
bu_ob_text_color = input.color(, "Text Color", group=bu_ob_display_settings, inline=bu_ob_inline_color)

be_ob_display_settings = "Be-OB Display Settings"
be_ob_color = input.color(, 70), "Color", group=be_ob_display_settings, inline=be_ob_inline_color)
be_ob_border_color = input.color(, "Border Color", group=be_ob_display_settings, inline=be_ob_inline_color)
be_ob_text_color = input.color(, "Text Color", group=be_ob_display_settings, inline=be_ob_inline_color)

bu_bb_display_settings = "Bu-BB & Bu-MB Display Settings"
bu_bb_color = input.color(, 70), "Color", group=bu_bb_display_settings, inline=bu_bb_inline_color)
bu_bb_border_color = input.color(, "Border Color", group=bu_bb_display_settings, inline=bu_bb_inline_color)
bu_bb_text_color = input.color(, "Text Color", group=bu_bb_display_settings, inline=bu_bb_inline_color)

be_bb_display_settings = "Be-BB & Be-MB Display Settings"
be_bb_color = input.color(, 70), "Color", group=be_bb_display_settings, inline=be_bb_inline_color)
be_bb_border_color = input.color(, "Border Color", group=be_bb_display_settings, inline=be_bb_inline_color)
be_bb_text_color = input.color(, "Text Color", group=be_bb_display_settings, inline=be_bb_inline_color)

var float[] high_points_arr = array.new_float(5)
var int[] high_index_arr = array.new_int(5)
var float[] low_points_arr = array.new_float(5)
var int[] low_index_arr = array.new_int(5)

var box[] bu_ob_boxes = array.new_box(5)
var box[] be_ob_boxes = array.new_box(5)
var box[] bu_bb_boxes = array.new_box(5)
var box[] be_bb_boxes = array.new_box(5)

to_up = high >= ta.highest(zigzag_len)
to_down = low <= ta.lowest(zigzag_len)

trend = 1
trend := nz(trend[1], 1)
trend := trend == 1 and to_down ? -1 : trend == -1 and to_up ? 1 : trend

last_trend_up_since = ta.barssince(to_up[1])
low_val = ta.lowest(nz(last_trend_up_since > 0 ? last_trend_up_since : 1, 1))
low_index = bar_index - ta.barssince(low_val == low)

last_trend_down_since = ta.barssince(to_down[1])
high_val = ta.highest(nz(last_trend_down_since > 0 ? last_trend_down_since : 1, 1))
high_index = bar_index - ta.barssince(high_val == high)

if ta.change(trend) != 0
if trend == 1
array.push(low_points_arr, low_val)
array.push(low_index_arr, low_index)
if trend == -1
array.push(high_points_arr, high_val)
array.push(high_index_arr, high_index)

f_get_high(ind) =>
[array.get(high_points_arr, array.size(high_points_arr) - 1 - ind), array.get(high_index_arr, array.size(high_index_arr) - 1 - ind)]

f_get_low(ind) =>
[array.get(low_points_arr, array.size(low_points_arr) - 1 - ind), array.get(low_index_arr, array.size(low_index_arr) - 1 - ind)]

[h0, h0i] = f_get_high(0)
[h1, h1i] = f_get_high(1)

[l0, l0i] = f_get_low(0)
[l1, l1i] = f_get_low(1)

if ta.change(trend) != 0 and show_zigzag
if trend == 1, h0, l0i, l0)
if trend == -1, l0, h0i, h0)

market = 1
market := nz(market[1], 1)
// market := market == 1 and close < l0 and low < l0 - math.abs(h0 - l0) * fib_factor ? -1 : market == -1 and close > h0 and high > h0 + math.abs(h0 - l0) * fib_factor ? 1 : market
last_l0 = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(market) != 0, l0, 0)
last_h0 = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(market) != 0, h0, 0)
market := last_l0 == l0 or last_h0 == h0 ? market : market == 1 and l0 < l1 and l0 < l1 - math.abs(h0 - l1) * fib_factor ? -1 : market == -1 and h0 > h1 and h0 > h1 + math.abs(h1 - l0) * fib_factor ? 1 : market

bu_ob_index = bar_index
bu_ob_index := nz(bu_ob_index[1], bar_index)
for i=h1i to l0i[zigzag_len]
index = bar_index - i
if open[index] > close[index]
bu_ob_index := bar_index[index]

bu_ob_since = bar_index - bu_ob_index

be_ob_index = bar_index
be_ob_index := nz(be_ob_index[1], bar_index)
for i=l1i to h0i[zigzag_len]
index = bar_index - i
if open[index] < close[index]
be_ob_index := bar_index[index]

be_ob_since = bar_index - be_ob_index

be_bb_index = bar_index
be_bb_index := nz(be_bb_index[1], bar_index)
for i=h1i - zigzag_len to l1i
index = bar_index - i
if open[index] > close[index]
be_bb_index := bar_index[index]

be_bb_since = bar_index - be_bb_index

bu_bb_index = bar_index
bu_bb_index := nz(bu_bb_index[1], bar_index)
for i=l1i - zigzag_len to h1i
index = bar_index - i
if open[index] < close[index]
bu_bb_index := bar_index[index]

bu_bb_since = bar_index - bu_bb_index

if ta.change(market) != 0
if market == 1, h1, h0i, h1,, width=2), l0i)), h1, "MSB",, 100), style=label.style_label_down,, size=size.small)
bu_ob =, high[bu_ob_since], bar_index + 10, low[bu_ob_since], bgcolor=bu_ob_color, border_color=bu_ob_border_color, text="Bu-OB", text_color=bu_ob_text_color, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=text_size)
bu_bb =, high[bu_bb_since], bar_index + 10, low[bu_bb_since], bgcolor=bu_bb_color, border_color=bu_bb_border_color, text=l0 < l1 ? "Bu-BB" : "Bu-MB", text_color=bu_bb_text_color, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=text_size)
array.push(bu_ob_boxes, bu_ob)
array.push(bu_bb_boxes, bu_bb)
if market == -1, l1, l0i, l1,, width=2), h0i)), l1, "MSB",, 100), style=label.style_label_up,, size=size.small)
be_ob =, high[be_ob_since], bar_index + 10, low[be_ob_since], bgcolor=be_ob_color, border_color=be_ob_border_color, text="Be-OB", text_color=be_ob_text_color, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=text_size)
be_bb =, high[be_bb_since], bar_index + 10, low[be_bb_since], bgcolor=be_bb_color, border_color=be_bb_border_color, text=h0 > h1 ? "Be-BB" : "Be-MB", text_color=be_bb_text_color, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=text_size)
array.push(be_ob_boxes, be_ob)
array.push(be_bb_boxes, be_bb)

for bull_ob in bu_ob_boxes
bottom = box.get_bottom(bull_ob)
if close < bottom
else if array.size(bu_ob_boxes) == 5
box.set_right(bull_ob, bar_index + 10)

for bear_ob in be_ob_boxes
top = box.get_top(bear_ob)
if close > top
else if array.size(be_ob_boxes) == 5
box.set_right(bear_ob, bar_index + 10)

for bear_bb in be_bb_boxes
top = box.get_top(bear_bb)
if close > top
else if array.size(be_bb_boxes) == 5
box.set_right(bear_bb, bar_index + 10)

for bull_bb in bu_bb_boxes
bottom = box.get_bottom(bull_bb)
if close < bottom
else if array.size(bu_bb_boxes) == 5
box.set_right(bull_bb, bar_index + 10)

alertcondition(ta.change(market) != 0, "MSB", "MSB")
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Re: Market structure break

Postby Apprentice » Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:47 am

We have added your request to the development list.
Development reference 388.
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