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Postby oraclefusions » Fri May 17, 2013 7:40 am

I am trying to install order2go on my computer which is running windows 8.
After downloading the file FXCMFXOrder2Go_073109.exe which is what i require to stream FXCM.co.uk data feed to
traderprod of updata.co.uk .
After installation ends i received the following error

Error occurred while parsing XML stream.
The system can not locate the object specified.
Position (0,0)

Would you please help me out?

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Re: order2go

Postby sunshine » Tue May 21, 2013 7:34 am

Order2Go does not support Windows 8. I would not recommend you to use this API. It is deprecated.
Instead, you can use ForexConnect.

Re: order2go

Postby LeTigre30 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:07 pm

Hello to All,

In contrast to what Sunshine said, FxOrder2Go works very well with Windows 8 (32 & 64). The version I use is 01.02.050508. Regarding ForexConnect API, even the new beta release (1.3.0) does not work correctly at all with XP SP3 on some computers (an error occurs at the launching, caused by pdas.dll). If necessary, write me in PM to send you the new release of FxOrder2Go, after the fixed bug of June 2012.

Although indicated "deprecated", the API FxOrder2Go, works very well, either with (or without) the TS2 of December 2012, or the very wobbly TS2 new version of May 2013.

For my part, I created my own trading platform and uses FxOrder2Go as interface, depending on what I see on the charts in TS2 or MT4. Moreover, the "Old" API is more easy to programm and to understand, when the TradeskEventsSink part is well understood by the programmer.

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Re: order2go

Postby LeTigre30 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:33 pm


In contrast to what Sunshine said, Order2Go works very well with Windows 8, 32 or 64 bits.
I've created an application that controls my input/output orders in a semi-automatic way.
The 2 executables (32 and 64) work perfectly. The hardest part was to assimilate the events' behavior returned by TradeDeskEventsSink.

The Order2Go version that I use is:
fxcore.dll : 1.10.1111.3000 for the file and the 01.02.050508 for the product;
pdas.dll : 1.10.1111.2900 for the file, and the 06.00.0608.1523 for the product.
(Given by the tab "Details" of the files properties)

If necessary, write me PM for sending the Order2Go self-extracting sofware.

ForexConnectAPI is certainly more modern/current in terms of programming, but very complex to use.

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Re: order2go

Postby LeTigre30 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:49 am

Hello to Dev Team,

Sorry if I post here, I've not found where to put this topic ...

I've an application who drives Fxcm accounts, written with the ActiveX TradeDeskEventSink ...

I can access to all methods and members of the "Account" table, no problem ...
But, when we connect to MyFxcm website, we can see the information concerning the "Level" used in the account (0.5 = 200:1, 1 = 100:1, 2 = 50:1 ; etc.).

How with TDES, retrieve this information ?

Thanks for help,

Bst Rgds,
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Re: order2go

Postby Valeria » Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:00 am

Hi LeTigre30,

To get what you want you should divide Base Unit Size by MMR.

Re: order2go

Postby LeTigre30 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:38 am

Hi Valeria,

Thanks for your reply, that's what I thought, because this information does not exist as such in the "accounts" table.

But for a logic programmer, this info is attached to an account (regarding this functionality in MyFxcm website), and if it's currently necessary to pass via BaseUnitSize / MMR ; it's attached to an instrument for MMR, and the instrument for BaseUnitSize, that's what is said in the Indicore 2.3 help file.

Example : for XAU/USD, BaseUnitSize = 1, MMR = 3 Euros, that's equal to 1divided by 3 = 0.33 ; but the level's account is at 0.50 .

Also what is the difference between 1-level margin and 3-levels margin as stated in the Indicore 2.3 help file, or in the Wiki http://www.fxcodebase.com/wiki/index.php/July_2011_Order2Go_Update

Where also, it is said that BaseUnitSize is attached to the account, and MMR to the instrument under the paragraph for the Wiki file :
MMR and BaseUnitSize per Account and Instrument

Thanks for your explanations.

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Re: order2go

Postby Valeria » Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:51 am

Hi LeTigre30,

You can find the description of 1-level margin and 3-levels margin in IndicoreSDK documentation.

As to BaseUnitSize, it depends on the instrument and the account.

Re: order2go

Postby Georgiy » Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:22 am

Hello LeTigre30,

I can access to all methods and members of the "Account" table, no problem ...
But, when we connect to MyFxcm website, we can see the information concerning the "Level" used in the account (0.5 = 200:1, 1 = 100:1, 2 = 50:1 ; etc.).

How with TDES, retrieve this information ?

As we understood, you want to calculate the leverage.
Leverage = Margin Req/Percent Cost
You can get access to Margin Req using the method TradingSettingsProviderAut.GetMMR in Order2Go, but unfortunately, you cannot get the access to field Percent Cost. There is no such possibility.
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Re: order2go

Postby LeTigre30 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:12 pm

Hello to Dev Team,

For a specific application, I need only the Active X TradeDeskEventSink component.
Is there a way to install into registry, this component only, without installing Order2Go in totality ?

Thanks for help,
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